Sunday, November 20, 2022, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Location: Fontenelle Forest, 1111 Bellevue Blvd N, Bellevue, NE US 68005
Cost: $15.00
Youth and Preteens are going to Tree Rush Adventure on Sunday, November 20!
The cost is $15 per climber, bring cash with you. Meet in the West Hills west parking lot at 1:30 pm, returning to the West Hills west parking lot at 5:30 pm. We'll have snacks and drinks available.
Looking forward to being in the treetops with you through zip lines, rope ladders, and suspended bridges! Don't delay, the registration deadline is November 13.
** SIGN the TreeRush Waiver **
What to know, before you go:
Dress wisely: Leave dangling earrings, necklaces, or anything that can become tangled in climbing gear at home, and wear clothing right for the weather. TreeRush Adventures is open in all but the most extreme conditions. A little rain won’t close the park. Athletic shoes with closed toe and heel are required to protect your feet. No Crocs / No Flip Flops. Gloves are required. You are welcomed to bring your own gloves that are suitable for climbing or purchase special climbing TreeRush gloves from us.
Climbing Time: Once you check-in, you’ll get a harness tag marked with an ending time that gives you 2 hours and 40 minutes in the park. The 40-minute buffer covers the time it takes to harness, attend a safety briefing and get the knack for using climbing gear.
Personal Belongings: We encourage you to leave personal belongings at home. Lockers are available for $2 if needed.